My Apartment Smells Like Weed But I Don’T Smoke

Re-up Day! Or as I like to call it ‘ smoke like there’s no tomorrow ...

My Apartment Smells Like Weed But I Don’t Smoke: Unraveling the Mystery

As I returned from a refreshing walk, the pungent aroma of marijuana wafted through the air, permeating my apartment. Puzzled, I inhaled deeply again, only to confirm my initial suspicion—my abode reeked of weed. Panic ensued, as I’ve never partaken in such activities myself. How could this be happening?

After a moment of bewilderment, I embarked on a mission to unravel the enigma that had befallen my humble abode.

Uncovering the Roots of the Odor

Delving into the realm of cannabis cultivation, I discovered that secondhand smoke can easily infiltrate neighboring units through air vents, windows, and even plumbing systems. It became apparent that my apartment had become an unwitting victim of a nearby marijuana user’s indulgence.

Other potential sources of the pungent odor include contaminated furniture or appliances, such as a couch or refrigerator, that may have absorbed the smell over time. Additionally, cannabis odor can linger in carpets and curtains, even after the smoke has dissipated.

Tackling the Weed Smell

Armed with the knowledge of the potential culprits, I initiated a comprehensive odor elimination campaign. As a first line of defense, I thoroughly aired out my apartment by opening windows and running fans to facilitate air circulation.

Next, I meticulously cleaned all surfaces with a potent odor-neutralizing solution, paying special attention to frequently touched areas such as doorknobs and countertops. This helped to remove any lingering smoke particles or residue.

To further deodorize the air, I placed bowls filled with activated charcoal around the apartment. Activated charcoal is known for its remarkable ability to absorb odors and pollutants.

Expert Tips for Odor Control

In addition to the above measures, I sought advice from industry experts who shared their invaluable insights:

  • Use an Air Purifier with a Carbon Filter: Air purifiers equipped with activated carbon filters effectively trap and eliminate odors.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, upholstery, or in the refrigerator to neutralize odors.

Remember, patience is key when attempting to eliminate unwanted odors. It may take several days or even weeks for the lingering smell to fully dissipate.

FAQs on Weed Smell and Remedies

  1. Q: How do I know if the weed smell is coming from my apartment or a neighbor’s?
  2. A: If the smell is stronger in certain areas of your apartment, such as near a shared wall or vent, it’s likely coming from a neighbor. If the smell is consistent throughout your apartment, it may be coming from within.
  3. Q: How can I prevent the weed smell from entering my apartment?
  4. A: Seal any gaps around windows, doors, and pipes with caulk or weatherstripping. Use an air purifier with a carbon filter to remove odors from the air.
  5. Q: What if the smell persists despite my efforts?
  6. A: Reach out to your landlord or property management company. They may be able to investigate the source of the smell and take appropriate action.


In the end, my apartment was restored to its odorless state, restoring peace and tranquility to my living space. While the unexpected cannabis scent was initially alarming, it prompted me to delve into the intricate world of odor elimination, uncovering valuable techniques that can be applied to various situations.

If you find yourself in a similar predicament, armed with this newfound knowledge, you can effectively address the issue, ensuring a fresh and odor-free environment. May your home be forever free from the lingering scent of weed.

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Things that Smell Like Weed | Potent

How to Get Rid of Weed Smells in a Home Listing | Apartment Therapy It, uh, might not be them smoking it, they might have a grow. Just let them know that you can smell it. Suggest that if it’s a grow, to deal with their HVAC/filters because you don’t want hassles from the cops. And if it’s them smoking, tell them that 1. you don’t care, and 2. but you do because your house constantly smells like week.